pop avata

BPO Journal

Monday, January 22, 2007

Offshoring series

My dissertation comprises three essays on outsourcing – the first two essays focus on issues of governance choice in BPO relationships, including the different governance forms that firms use to create value and the drivers of these governance forms. The final essay in my dissertation takes a closer look at the financial value (read abnormal stock returns) created through outsourcing and analyzes whether these returns are consistent with the efficiency gains realized.

Your comments and feedback over the past two years have served as an important input to my research. Now, as I examine the above issues in the context of offshoring, I’d like to hear from you how these issues play out in your organizational contexts.

Also, I have a survey up on BPO Journal. 16 questions long with the promise to take up less than 15 minutes of your time. No identifying information is required. All responses will be treated as confidential, and results will be published (only in aggregate) over the next month on this blog. I am sure you'll find these analyses and results a valuable tool to design your offshoring relationships and objectively benchmark your performance. Do ink at your convenience.

Mail, comment and inform!

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